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    Dr Joseph F Smith Medical Library 

Library classes

Level III Evidence-based Practice 

Instructor: Jan Kraus, MLS
ACP Journal Club
(Clinical Research Critiques)
The ACP journal club is published bimonthly by the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine and provides abstracts and expert commentary on important studies and reviews from the biomedical literature. The ACP Journal club surveys over 100 peer-reviewed medical journals and provides clinicians with summaries of the most important articles. The aim of this journal is to provide evidence-based clinical information necessary to practice good medicine. Past issues of the journal are available from 1991 and selected full-text articles are available.
Bandolier (Clinical Research Critiques)
The first issue of Bandolier, an independent journal about evidence-based healthcare, written by Oxford scientists, was printed in February 1994. It has appeared monthly ever since and has become the premier source of evidence based healthcare information in the UK and worldwide for both healthcare professionals and consumers. Each month PubMed and the Cochrane Library are searched for systematic reviews and meta-analyses published in the recent past. Those that look remotely interesting are read, and where they are both interesting and make sense, they appear in Bandolier, first in the paper version and, after two months or so, on the website.
CINAHL (Ebsco Cinahl)

CINAHL, is the authoritative resource for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. This database provides indexing for over 1,700 current nursing and allied health journals and publications dating back to 1982, totaling over 961,000 records.
Clinical Evidence (Evidence Guidelines Summaries)
Clinical Evidence is a directory of evidence on the effects of common clinical interventions, published by the BMJ Publishing Group. Updated monthly online, it provides a "concise account of the current state of knowledge, ignorance, and uncertainty about the prevention and treatment of a wide range of clinical conditions based on thorough searches of the literature." It summarizes the current state of knowledge and uncertainty about the prevention and treatment of clinical conditions, based on thorough searches and appraisal of the literature. It is neither a textbook of medicine nor a set of guidelines. It describes the best available evidence from systematic reviews, RCTs and observational studies where appropriate, and if there is no good evidence it says so.
Cochrane (Systematic Reviews Meta-Analysis)
Gold standard for high-quality systematic reviews. The Cochrane Collaboration is an international non-profit organization that aims to help people make informed decisions about health care, by reviewing and promoting the best available evidence on interventions and treatments. Cochrane Collection includes: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (only RCTs), DARE, Health Technology Assessment Database and NHS Economic Evaluation Database.
DynaMed (Dynamic Medical Information System) is a quick and easy-to-use medical reference system designed for use at the point of care. DynaMed contains clinically organized summaries of nearly 1,800 topics and is updated daily from review of the research literature. This means that the reference information is always up-to-date and does not require new editions. DynaMed is a useful resource in clinical, educational and research settings. DynaMed searches 400 medical journals, the Cochrane Collection, POEMS, AHRQ, the National Guideline Clearinghouse, the Medical Letter, ACP Journal Club, etc.

Essential Evidence Plus (formerly InfoRetriever) (Clinical Research Critiques)
The only database system of filtered, synopsized, evidence-based information. This integrated search engine allows you to simultaneously search, via keyword, the following databases:
POEMs (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters): 2,461 (the full collection)
Cochrane Database abstracts: 1,964 (the full collection)
Evidence-based guideline summaries: 738
Clinical Decision Rules: 207
Diagnostic test calculators (unique combinations of symptom -> disease -> test): 1116
H&PE calculators (unique combinations of symptom -> disease -> test): 1087
The complete 5-Minute Clinical Consult (1,036 summaries and 542 photos)
ICD-9 lookup tool including the 1,500 most-commonly needed codes
FPIN (Evidence Guidelines Summaries)
The Family Practice Inquiries Network (FPIN) is a national, not-for-profit consortium of academic family physicians, family medicine residency programs and departments, medical librarians, informaticians, computer scientists, other primary-care providers and consultants dedicated to using information technology to improve healthcare. Initial Founding Member Departments of FPIN include: University of Chicago, University of Colorado, Michigan State University, University of Missouri - Columbia, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill SUNY - Upstate Medical University, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin
InfoRetriever - Poems (now called Essential Evidence Plus) (Clinical Research Critiques)
The only database system of filtered, synopsized, evidence-based information. This integrated search engine allows you to simultaneously search, via keyword, the following databases:
POEMs (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters): 2,461 (the full collection)
Cochrane Database abstracts: 1,964 (the full collection)
Evidence-based guideline summaries: 738
Clinical Decision Rules: 207
Diagnostic test calculators (unique combinations of symptom -> disease -> test): 1116
H&PE calculators (unique combinations of symptom -> disease -> test): 1087
The complete 5-Minute Clinical Consult (1,036 summaries and 542 photos)
ICD-9 lookup tool including the 1,500 most-commonly needed codes

National Guideline Clearinghouse (Practice Guidelines)
A public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, aimed primarily at health professionals. Users can search the database, or browse by disease/condition or treatment/intervention, or organization. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are used to index the guidelines, and are used in browsing. The guidelines can be viewed as a brief summary, complete summary, with a link to the full text where available. Guidelines can be compared side by side, and there are also syntheses of guidelines on similar topics. The summaries produced in the NGC are based on a Guideline Summary Sheet that has been reviewed by the guideline developer. A discussion group is available to discuss the development, implementation and use of guidelines. NGC is sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in partnership with the American Medical Association and the American Association of Health Plans.
PubMed - Medline
(RCTs, Case Cohorts, Control Studies, other Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analysis)
MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE allows users to search abstracts from over 4,600 current biomedical journals.
TRIP Meta-Search Engine
The TRIP Database was first created in 1997, and this third version of the TRIP database has 15,000 links from 61 publishers of high quality health related information on the internet. TRIP is compiled by hand and is primarily aimed at primary health care workers interested in getting research into practice. The site provides information on searching strategies, how results are displayed, and a list of publications is provided. There is also access to the Virtual Learning Centre which offers several learning packs via PGEA exam or portfolio routes. This site is updated monthly and maintained by Jon Brassey.
The TRIP Database started in 1997 as a small search engine with a focus on medical articles considered evidence-based. Typically 300-400 new articles are added monthly.
Evidence-based articles, includes Cochrane, ACP Journal Club, POEMS, Bandolier, CRD Databases, Therapeutics Letter, AHRQ, NHS, Effective Healthcare Bulletins.
Clinical guidelines, National Guideline Clearinghouse
Medical Images (80,000)
Patient Information Leaflets
Peer-reviewed journals
PubMed (the world's largest searchable source of primary research articles.)

Additional Resources:
(Clinical Research Critiques)
BestBets is a resource providing access to a range of topics in evidence-based emergency medicine. BETs (Best-Evidence Topics) were developed in the Emergency Department of the Manchester Royal Infirmary and aim to provide "rapid evidence-based answers to real-life clinical questions, using a systematic approach to reviewing the literature". Background information on the development and structure of BETs, the difference between BETs and CATs (Critically Appraised Topics) and links to other EBM resources are provided. The online database allows users to either browse or search for topics, and currently there are over 600 BETs accessible from this site. The status of each BET is easily identifiable in the database (ie whether it has been completed, reviewed or incomplete) and each BET is peer-reviewed at regular intervals. Key people behind the concept of BETs and this Web site include Kevin Mackway-Jones, Consultant in Emergency Medicine; Rosemary Morton, Consultant in Emergency Medicine; and Simon Carley, Specialist Registrar in Emergency Medicine. Interested professionals may submit a BET online.

The CATbank is a storage and retrieval facility for a collection of CATs (Critically Appraised Topics). Aimed at practitioners of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), this resource had been developed by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford. This resource contains documentation on what a CAT is and the value of CATs for clinical practice. Available CATs and NNTs (numbers needed to treat) can be browsed or searched for, currently there are 63 CATs and 57 NNTs. CATmaker is a software tool that allows the creation of CATs for key articles about therapy, diagnosis, prognosis, etiology/harm and systematic reviews of therapy. A demonstration version (CATnipper) is freely available for downloading.
CEBM Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine

The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, funded by the Mount Sinai Hospital and the University of Health Network at the University of Toronto, Canada, is an organization aimed at lecturers, undergraduates, postgraduates and any health professionals engaged in continuing education. It aims to "develop, disseminate, and evaluate resources that can be used to practice and teach evidence-based medicine (EBM)". This Web site provides information about the centre's activities, definitions of EBM, syllabus plans, lists of EBM teaching resources and links to Web-based materials, a glossary of EBM terms. It also provides supporting materials to the textbook "Evidence-based medicine: how to teach and practice EBM" by David L. Sacket et al.
EBM online

The journal "Evidence-Based Medicine" (EBM Online) is published jointly by the BMJ Publishing Group and the American College of Physicians - American Society of Internal Medicine. Tables of contents and abstracts are freely available from Volume 5 (1) January 2000 to the present. Full-text articles are available for subscribers (personal and institutional). Information is provided on the free access provided to the countries defined by the World Bank as "Low Income Economies" and "Lower Middle Income Economies". EBM Online is published with assistance from Stanford University's HighWire Press.
EBM toolbox

The EBM Toolbox is a collection of clinical tools for practitioners of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM). The EBM Toolbox has been developed by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford and contains generic EBM resources, specific tools and data. Samples of NNTs, SpPINS, SnNouts, likelihood ratios, prognosis, and pre-test probabilities are provided.
Evidence-based nursing

A Web site that gives an introduction to evidence based practice in nursing. It is part of a series of resources developed and funded by the Centre for Evidence-based Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada. These resources are intended to be used to practice and teach EBM for undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education for health care professionals from a variety of disciplines including nursing. The section on evidence-based nursing includes an introduction, resource list and sample scenarios. The scenarios are appended by a completed "worksheet" showing the types of questions and answers that critical appraisal involves.
Evidence based medicine toolkit

The Evidence Based Medicine Toolkit contains a collection of tools for identifying, assessing and applying relevant evidence for better health care decision making. These tools are based on the work of the "Evidence Based Medicine Working Group" based at the University of Alberta. This resource includes sections on finding and using articles about therapy/prevention, diagnostic tests, prognosis, and harm. Also covered is finding and using clinical guidelines, how to use a systematic review, and economic analysis. Glossaries for both clinical epidemiological terminology and MEDLINE terminology are provided. Provided on the Web by the University of Alberta.
Evidence-Based On-Call : EBOC

Evidence-based On-call, (created by the Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, Oxford) is a database which has been designed for hospital clinicians, 'who want to integrate the best available evidence with their own personal skills and expertise to improve the care of their patients.' The database has Critically Appraised Topics, (CATS) with a series of recommendations for issues to consider when caring for patients. The Web site covers; Evidence-based Medicine, how to use the database, the EBOC process, levels of evidence, glossary, definitions, and links to useful Web sites.

The home page for "Knowledgeshare" a Brighton based knowledge management service attached to the Library, Sussex Postgraduate Medical Centre, Brighton. The service supports the information needs of local health care professionals for information on evidence based practice (EBP) and clinical governance. The site provides access to the Knowledgeshare current awareness e- bulletin - Alert, an EBP discussion group and to two interactive pathways to resources supporting quality assurance for local NHS staff. The site also provides links to a variety of EBP online resources.
Locating and Appraising Systematic Reviews

This article from the journal Annals of Internal Medicine looks at ways of locating systematic reviews, covering their strengths and weaknesses. The methods of finding these reviews include electronic databases such as MEDLINE, Best Evidence and the Cochrane Library. It also present steps used to critically appraise review articles. The article is provided by the American College of Physicians for medical professionals and is dated April 1997.
National Quality Measures Clearinghouse

The National Quality Measures Clearinghouse (NQMC) is sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), U.S Department of Health and Human Services, and provides public access for evidence-based quality measures and measure sets. NQMC is sponsored by AHRQ to promote 'widespread access to quality measures by the health care community and other interested individuals'. Other services include a discussion list, what's new, update service, detailed search, links to full-text quality measures and a glossary.
NIHR Centre for Reviews and Dissemination :

The NIHR Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) was established in January 1994 to "provide the NIHR with important information on the effectiveness of treatments and the delivery and organization of health care". The CRD undertakes systematic reviews on selected topics, maintains a database of reviews, provides a dissemination and an information service, and promotes research-based practice within the NHS. The Web site provides information about these activities, and provides links to the resources, including: CRD Reports, Effectiveness Matters, Effective Health Care Bulletins, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE), NIHR Economic Evaluations Database (NHSEED), HTA Database, and completed and in progress systematic reviews.
PEDro is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database. It has been developed to give rapid access to bibliographic details and abstracts of randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. Most trials on the database have been rated for quality to help you quickly discriminate between trials which are likely to be valid and interpretable and those which are not.
ScHARR Netting the Evidence

Scharr Netting the Evidence is intended to facilitate evidence-based healthcare by providing support and access to helpful organizations and useful learning resources, such as an evidence-based virtual library, software and journals
(Meta-Search Engine)
SUMSearch is an Internet meta-search tool developed by the Health Science Center San Antonio, University of Texas. SUMSearch simultaneously searches databases such as the National Library of Medicine PubMed, DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness), the National Guideline Clearinghouse, and the Merck Manual. There is also the facility to perform contingency searching. SUMSearch has been designed to provide the most valid medical information, and only searches Internet resources which have been authored by qualified medical professionals. Additional features of this site include the facility to focus a search by treatment, prognosis, diagnosis, etiology/causation, physical findings, adverse treatment affects, and screening and prevention. There are helpful hints on using this tool available on this site, and on how to formulate a search strategy. Published on the Web by the University of Texas, SUMSearch is a free resource and receives no sponsorship.
Trent research information access gateway : TRIAGE

This is the home page of TRIAGE, a gateway to Internet resources for health services research, health economics and evidence based practice. This is an initiative of the Trent Institute for Health Services Research. Developed by staff based at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), TRIAGE provides links to Web-based teaching materials, tutorials and articles, and other research tools. Broad subject areas covered presently include clinical effectiveness, critical appraisal, diagnostic instruments, evidence based medicine, epidemiology, ethics, health economics, literature searching, presentation and writing, qualitative research, reference management, research, software, statistics, systematic reviews, and trials. This prototype is funded by the Trent NHS Executive R&D and is published on the Web by the University of Sheffield.
U of Washington EBP

EBM Glossary

emb pyramid